Bhubaneswar: The People's Cultural Center (Peak), a non-profit organization, has launched an in-aid program to provide all kinds of legal advice and assistance to children and their parents who need help. For this, the website www. pecuchelpline. com and pecuccounselling 2020 @ gmail. com has been released with the WhatsApp number 6 àªà¯ 0100 21 and the landline number 06-23 5 22 à com.
Sandhavati Pradhan, chairperson of the State Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, officially unveiled the website at a video workshop organized by Peak today. Ms. Pradhan also inaugurated a seminar on safe and quality education. He praised Pink's efforts and said that children from all over Odisha and beyond could be helped. "Especially with this service, the arrangements that have been made to help children with social psychology are very commendable."
He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: "One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure ... there are going to be some difficult decisions for government". Ms. Pradhan opined that joint efforts were needed to find a way to get the child back to normal while the child’s education was severely disrupted during the Kovid epidemic. The workshop, which was chaired by Meenakshi Panda, chairperson of PICK, was briefed by PICK executive director Anuradha Mohanty on online assistance. It will also address adolescent issues, career counseling and various skills education.
Ms. Mohanty said the Child Rights Campaign had been running in 50 villages in Kendujhar and Mayurbhanj for the past three years. Joining the workshop, Oshepar Yugu Director Bishwanath Tarai briefed on the steps taken by the government to teach in different parts of the state during Kovit. He encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: "One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure ... there are going to be some difficult decisions for government". Sanjay Mishra, a member of the Children's Rights Protection Standards Committee on the Policy Commission, praised Helley, who was initiated by Peak, and suggested that all children work together to learn.
Madhumita Das, an advisor to the Department of Child and Child Development, briefed on the various schemes adopted by the government for early childhood care and education. Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, editor of Picker, said the legal helpline was a new program. "Everyone needs to work together to prevent this from happening." Children can be helped through the helpline with the help of various departments.
To date, Peacock has rescued about 35,000 children from various fields and sent them to school, he said. "Safe and quality education is essential for the abolition of child labor," he said. Finally, Mrs. Ratni Das, Treasurer of Pickar, thanked the participants.
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