Pike Federation congratulated Lieutenant General Chandiprasad

Pike Federation congratulated Lieutenant General Chandiprasad

Bhubaneswar, Lieutenant General Chandiprasad congratulated the Pike Federation. The Pike Federation has long called on the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and His Excellency the President to form a "Kalinga Regiment" or a Pike Regiment. In the Lok Sabha, Dr Achyut Samantha, a Member of Parliament, raised the issue.

Ashok Kumar Paltasinghe, state president of the Nikhul Utkal Pike Federation, said the efforts of Chandiprasad Mohanty, who has recently won an important post as the country's deputy army chief, were commendable. The late Biju Patnaik of Odisha had earlier demanded from the Center to form the Kalinga Regiment or Pike Regiment, opening the Pike Akhada in the school and college and trying to give it the status of NCC, Scout. This was not possible after his death.

Today, the efforts of Oriya son Lieutenant General Chandiprasad Mohanty are a matter of pride and pride for 4.5 crore Oriyas, the federation said. On behalf of the Pike Federation, Pike Expert Kedar Das, Prof. Gayan Samal, State Adviser Bibhuti Swai, Khodha District President Purnachandra Pattashani, Pike Sardar Ranjan Baliarsingh, Vice President Bhimsen Paikrai, Guru Bhaskar Sundaray, Dalbehera

Pike Federation congratulated Lieutenant General Chandiprasad


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