Bhubaneswar, An average of 300 families have been living on 18 plots in Sijipur mouza of Jatani constituency in Bhubaneswar sub-division for 18 years, 181, 182, 18. A rally was held at the Kalinga Poor Development Organization. MLA Suresh Kumar Rautaray added that he assured the people living there that they would request the government for a permanent lease.
Mr Rautaray said the state government's conspiracy to take over their land, playgrounds and land would not be allowed to succeed. Prominent dignitaries, including Tamando Sarpanch Jagmohan Pradhan and youth leader Manmath Rautaray, were present at the rally. Finally, Sameer Jena, the organization's editor, thanked them. The villagers were present at the rally.
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