Bhubaneswar, A special envelope was held at the main post office premises of Berhampur yesterday afternoon in honor of Sargat Sadhu Charan Patnaik, the founder of Sri Arvind Purnanga Shikshakendra, founded in 1955 at Gosani Nuagaon, Mirabihar in Berhampur, Ganjam district. Odisha Postal Zone, Bhubaneswar Governor General Colonel Jaleswar Kaher was the chief guest at a function organized here with the joint support of the concerned schools and the postal department and unveiled the special postage envelope.
Mr. Tarini Charan Padhi, Superintendent of Berhampur Post Office, was the Guest of Honor while Mr. Ashish Kumar Pathi, Former President of Shri Arvind Purnanga Shikshakendra, Mr. Sasmita Panda, current Principal, Mr. Lalatendu Samantha, Secretary, School of South Odisha Pranchand Panda and Retired Vigilance Chief (Telecom) Mr. Prabhat Chandra Patnaik were the chief guests. The unveiling of the special envelope was carried out at the initiative of international philatelist Shri Vijay Kumar Bishwal. Philistines Mr. Kashinath Sahu and Mr. Manas Das were the main contributors to the event. Mr. Bhagirathi Mohapatra and Vikas Chandra Padhi, among others, were present.
It is learned that the late Sadhucharan Patnaik was a well-known Yogi idol and religious figure. He was instrumental in propagating the great ideals, words and thoughts of Sri Sri Aurobindo. He set up a relic center at Sri Arvind in Ayodhya and Berhampur, during which time he worked on his engineering skills at the 'Mother Temple, Arovil' under the direction of the ashram. However, from the age of 18, he became interested in collecting postage stamps until the end of his life, becoming a 40-year-old postal stamp collector (Philatelist) and affiliated with the post office department at Pondicherry Ashram.
He has also authored several books on the ideology of Sri Sri Aurobindo. He died on October 4, 2020. On behalf of Shri Arvind Purnanga Shikshakendra, Gosani Nuaga, by paying tribute to the glorious achievements and achievements of this versatile genius of the original resident of Ganjam district headquarters sub-division.
This special envelope has been published in a humble tribute. The event was attended by other teachers, educators, senior citizens, intellectuals and the public. The event was held in compliance with the Kovi cut-off.
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