Infrastructure of the Konark region will be internationally standardized

Infrastructure of the Konark region will be internationally standardized

Bhubaneswar, Work is underway following the announcement of Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik to make Puri a world heritage city. The Konark Heritage Area Development Plan is part of the plan. Every day, tourists from different parts of the world come to Konark. The Chief Minister has therefore directed the development of infrastructure in the Konark region to be of international standard. Today, a presentation was made by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on behalf of the State Public Works Department on various aspects of it.

The Konark Temple is a unique example of Kalinga architecture. This unique thirteenth-century monument by the Langula king of the Ganges dynasty, Narasimha Dev, has attracted tourists from all over the world for its incredible art and sculpture. Although the main part of the temple dedicated to Lord Surya has been demolished, the beauty of the facade is still exalting the craftsmanship of Odisha's artisans and artisans.

The temple symbolizes the prosperity of the then Odisha. The image of the giraffe in the temple's interior also mentions the relationship of the then Odisha with the African countries. UNESCO has recognized Konark as a World Heritage Site in the 19th century. It is the moral responsibility of all of us to protect this great cultural heritage. The state government is planning to launch the heritage project under five programs to protect the temple, protect it and attract more and more tourists.

The main objectives of the project are to protect the dignity of the Konark Sun Temple, a unique experience for tourists, the economic development of local businesses and the development of the tourism district of Konark, along with the tourism district of Puri and the entire state. It focuses on integrating the infrastructure development of the surrounding area of ​​the Konark temple with this ancient heritage.

The three-and-a-half-kilometer outer ring road will be constructed with six rafters, and all roads leading to the temple will be developed, with points from Bhubaneswar to Konark to transport passengers. The children will be repatriated. Thirty acres of land in front of the temple will be completely open and landscaped.

The Konark Entry Plaza will be built to welcome tourists to the entrance. In addition, a multi modal hub will be built for vehicle parking. The Konark Space Show will be held. Along with the beautification of the heritage area, special roads will also be built for pedestrians. The meeting was informed that the Konark Yojana reflects the aspirations of the local people as well as the global vision for heritage preservation and development. The meeting was attended by the Chief Minister's Secretary (5th) Shri V.K. Pandian conducted the program and was presented by the Acting Secretary. Minister Tushar Kanti Behera Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mohapatra and senior officials were present.

Infrastructure of the Konark region will be internationally standardized


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